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About Me

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When I was young I saw art and design as something I could do for fun in my free time. Somewhere along the line, I noticed that it was more than that. It was all around me. Everything from road signs to icons on a computer or game console, everything had graphics that where designed by someone with a purpose. Whether it was to clearly show someone from far away when to stop, or to show a cool loading animation. Everything had been designed from someone with one clear intention.

I learned Adobe Photoshop during high school because I found it interesting. The way I could easily manipulate a photo to make it into anything I want it to be. I became very experienced with the program on my own time and learned how to do things I thought were almost impossible with a photo. I later learned Adobe Illustrator and InDesign in college not knowing how useful they were until I learned how to use them.

I would say my strongest application is Adobe Photoshop because it is the application I have the most experience and have used to make many personal projects in my spare time. I love putting elements of different photos together to make something amazing.

I am nearing graduation from my Design and Graphic Technology program and am excited to see what is on the horizon.

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